Gallery run 8th January

Abigail Fallis on The Line sculpture trail by the River Lea.

Some DIY sculpture on the Regents Canal.

Raphaela Simon at Michael Werner with simple-looking but complex paintings. Also, interesting sewn sculptures of figures.

Antony Gormley at Thaddaeus Ropac with a figure embedded amongst the interlocking rods.

Joseph Beuys at Thaddaeus Ropac.

Valie Export at Thaddaeus Ropac in a show featuring her 1980 Venice Biennale works.

Marcin Maciejowski with acerbic commentary on art appreciation, delivered in nicely painted images.

Gabriela Giroletti at Bloomberg New Contemporaries showing at South London Gallery.

Yulia Losilzon at Bloomberg New Contemporaries in South London Gallery.