Gallery run 8th January

Abigail Fallis on The Line sculpture trail by the River Lea.

Some DIY sculpture on the Regents Canal.

Raphaela Simon at Michael Werner with simple-looking but complex paintings. Also, interesting sewn sculptures of figures.

Antony Gormley at Thaddaeus Ropac with a figure embedded amongst the interlocking rods.

Joseph Beuys at Thaddaeus Ropac.

Valie Export at Thaddaeus Ropac in a show featuring her 1980 Venice Biennale works.

Marcin Maciejowski with acerbic commentary on art appreciation, delivered in nicely painted images.

Gabriela Giroletti at Bloomberg New Contemporaries showing at South London Gallery.

Yulia Losilzon at Bloomberg New Contemporaries in South London Gallery.

Gallery run 10th May

Beatriz Milhazes at White Cube with a 15m long tapestry in her characteristic style.

JeffKeen at Kate MacGarry with an early example of spliced 8mm film intercut with animation.

Birgit Jurgenssen of Alison Jacques Gallery with delicately presented photographs using gauze fabrics to give a soft focus and welded metal frames which she made herself.

Wilhelm Sasnal at Sadie Coles HQ with paintings in his distinctive style.

Christian Boltanski at Marian Goodman with films of interventions and installations in deserted landscapes.

Juan Usle of Frith Street Gallery with delicate brushwork.

Rose Wylie at David Zwirner with evocative paintings made from the artist’s memory and images she finds in her studio.

Alvaro Barrington at Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac with paintings and sketches.

Joseph Beuys at Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac with a big retrospective and here a transformer and felt installation.